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List data

This page describes how to list resources on Deep Origin. Listing folders (workspaces), databases, rows and files can be used to discover the resources available on Deep Origin, and show their IDs for further queries.

List folders

To list all of your Deep Origin folders, run:

deeporigin data list --folders

This will display a screen similar to below:

│ Name            │ Type       │ ID            │
│ Secret Project  │ workspace  │ secret        │
│ QC Efforts      │ workspace  │ qc-efforts    │
│ Covid Target    │ workspace  │ corona        │
JSON output with --json

JSON output can be requested by adding --json, and allows you to pipe out to a JSON processor like jq:

deeporigin data list --folders --json | jq
    "id": "_workspace:ncZhbnYXXfg0zWNcGKTnz",
    "parentId": null,
    "hid": "secret",
    "type": "workspace",
    "name": "Secret Project"
    "id": "_workspace:sDTZKGZXOkhGw6XSg2Jla",
    "parentId": null,
    "hid": "qc-efforts",
    "type": "workspace",
    "name": "QC Efforts"
    "id": "_workspace:UWhlb4Wyzh2R7bySapY2m",
    "parentId": null,
    "hid": "corona",
    "type": "workspace",
    "name": "Covid Target"
Combining outputs

You can combine multiple output types. For example, to list all folders and databases:

deeporigin data list --folders --databases
from deeporigin.data_hub import api

List databases

To list all of your databases in Deep Origin, run:

deeporigin data list --databases

This will display a screen similar to below:

│ Name           │ Type      │ ID             │
│ First Database │ database  │ first          │
│ QC Efforts     │ database  │ qc-efforts     │
│ Covid Target   │ database  │ corona         │
JSON output with --json

JSON output can be requested by adding --json, and allows you to pipe out to a JSON processor like jq:

deeporigin data list --databases --json | jq
    "id": "_database:ncZhbnYXXfg0zWNcGKTnz",
    "parentId": "_workspace:ncZhbnYXXfg0zWNcGKTnz",
    "hid": "db-first",
    "type": "database",
    "name": "First Database"
    "id": "_database:sDTZKGZXOkhGw6XSg2Jla",
    "parentId": "_workspace:sDTZKGZXOkhGw6XSg2Jla",
    "hid": "db-qc",
    "type": "database",
    "name": "QC Efforts"
    "id": "_database:UWhlb4Wyzh2R7bySapY2m",
    "parentId": "_workspace:UWhlb4Wyzh2R7bySapY2m",
    "hid": "db-covid",
    "type": "database",
    "name": "Covid Target"
Combining outputs

You can combine multiple output types. For example, to list all folders and databases:

deeporigin data list --folders --databases
from deeporigin.data_hub import api

List rows

To list all of your database rows in Deep Origin:

deeporigin data list --rows

This will display a screen similar to below:

│ Name   │ Type   │ ID     │
│        │ row    │ data-1 │
│        │ row    │ data-2 │
│        │ row    │ data-3 │
│        │ row    │ data-4 │
│        │ row    │ data-5 │
from deeporigin.data_hub import api

List files

To list all of your files in Deep Origin, run:

deeporigin data list --files

This will display a screen similar to below:

│ Name       │ Status   │ ID                          │
│ db-dna.csv │ ready    │ _file:gBAK9tzFC5Cegx4NmSETc │
│ seqs.gz    │ ready    │ _file:FgVjcv8zzyPho6FME8QFp │
│ db-rna.csv │ ready    │ _file:hnU7F62xeW8j0l1kR7YP1 │
JSON output with --json

JSON output can be requested by adding --json, and allows you to pipe out to a JSON processor like jq:

deeporigin data list --databases --json | jq
    "file": {
      "id": "_file:gBAK9tzFC5Cegx4NmSETc",
      "uri": "s3://_file:gBAK9tzFC5Cegx4NmSETc",
      "name": "db-dna.csv",
      "status": "ready",
      "contentLength": 234,
      "contentType": "text/csv",
      "dateCreated": "2024-05-08 01:01:48.925",
      "dateUpdated": "2024-05-08 01:01:48.925",
      "createdByUserDrn": ""
    "file": {
      "id": "_file:FgVjcv8zzyPho6FME8QFp",
      "uri": "s3://_file:FgVjcv8zzyPho6FME8QFp",
      "name": "seqs.gz",
      "status": "ready",
      "contentLength": 554588,
      "contentType": "zip/gz",
      "dateCreated": "2024-05-08 18:08:09.149",
      "dateUpdated": "2024-05-08 18:08:09.149",
      "createdByUserDrn": ""
    "assignments": [
        "rowId": "_row:WORR9xeGvG6mSg0yyDRlk"
    "file": {
      "id": "_file:hnU7F62xeW8j0l1kR7YP1",
      "uri": "s3://_file:hnU7F62xeW8j0l1kR7YP1",
      "name": "db-rna.csv",
      "status": "ready",
      "contentLength": 234,
      "contentType": "text/csv",
      "dateCreated": "2024-05-08 18:07:57.655",
      "dateUpdated": "2024-05-08 18:07:57.655",
      "createdByUserDrn": ""
    "assignments": [
        "rowId": "_row:mlNnmNkfktz7GT5qpjyrF"

Listing files cannot list other objects

If you pass --files to the list command, all other arguments are ignored. As a result,

deeporigin data list --files --databases
will only list files.

First, we start off by importing the necessary modules:

We can list all files on Deep Origin using:

from deeporigin.data_hub import api

To find only unassigned files, we can use:


To find files that are assigned to a specific row:
