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Upload files

This page describes how to upload files to the Deep Origin data hub, and assign them to individual cells.

Upload a file to the data hub

To upload a file to the Deep Origin data hub, run the following commands:

deeporigin data upload /path/to/test.fasta

This will upload the file to your data hub, but the file will not yet be assigned to any database or cell. An example response is shown below:

│ Property         │ Value                        │
│ name             │ test.fasta                   │
│ contentType      │ data/fasta                   │
│ contentLength    │ 554588                       │
│ id               │ _file:36ufKT2Sej22coSEOizpK  │
│ status           │ ready                        │
│ uri              │ s3://foo                     │
│ dateCreated      │ 2024-06-18T14:48:33.501Z     │
│ dateUpdated      │ 2024-06-18T14:48:33.501Z     │
│ createdByUserDrn │        │
JSON output with --json

JSON output can be requested by adding --json, and allows you to pipe out to a JSON processor like jq:

deeporigin upload /path/to/test.fasta | jq
  "name": "test.fasta",
  "contentType": "data/fasta",
  "contentLength": 554588,
  "id": "_file:36ufKT2Sej22coSEOizpK",
  "status": "ready",
  "uri": "s3://foo",
  "dateCreated": "2024-06-18T14:51:43.876Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2024-06-18T14:51:43.876Z",
  "createdByUserDrn": ""
from deeporigin.data_hub import api

This will upload the file to your data hub. An example is shown below:

    "name": "file.fasta",
    "contentType": "data/foo",
    "contentLength": 55454688,
    "id": "_file:6Hdhyc3t8xZ6pmyCrQy1t",
    "status": "ready",
    "uri": "s3://data.<org-name>/_file:6Hdhyc3t8xZ6pmyCrQy1t",
    "dateCreated": "2024-06-18T14:18:37.409Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2024-06-18T14:18:37.409Z",
    "createdByUserDrn": "",

Upload a file to an existing row

To upload a file and assign it to a cell in an existing row, run the following commands:

deeporigin data upload /path/to/test.fasta \
    --column <column_id> \
    --database <database_id> \
    --row <row_id>
from deeporigin.data_hub import api

To assign an uploaded file to a cell in an existing row, run the assign_files_to_cell function:


Upload a file to a new row of a database

To upload a file and assign it to a column in a new row, run the following commands:

deeporigin data upload /path/to/test.fasta \
    --column <column_id> \
    --database <database_id> 

This omits the --row parameter, which would create a new row in the database.

First, upload a file to your data hub by running:

from deeporigin.data_hub import api

Second, assign the file to a new row by running:
