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Write data

This page describes how to write data to the Deep Origin data hub.

Write data to a cell in a database

Write text data

Run the following to write a text value to a cell in a database:

deeporigin data write "some-string" \
    --database $database_id \
    --column $column_id \
    --row $row_id
from deeporigin.data_hub import api
    "some string",
    database_id="database ID or name",
    column_id="column ID or programmatic key",
    row_id="row ID",

Write numeric data

Run the following to write a numeric value to a cell in a database:

deeporigin data write 123 \
    --database $database_id \
    --column $column_id \
    --row $row_id
from deeporigin.data_hub import api
    database_id="database ID or name",
    column_id="column ID or programmatic key",
    row_id="row ID",

Numeric data will be coerced to the data type of the underlying cell.

Write select data

This section describes how to write data to a cell in a database that is of type select. This includes cells where a single option can be selected from a list, and cells where more than one value can be selected from a list of options.

deeporigin data write "option A" \
    --database $database_id \
    --column $column_id \
    --row $row_id
from deeporigin.data_hub import api
    "option A",
    database_id="database ID or name",
    column_id="column ID or programmatic key",
    row_id="row ID",

The value must be one of the options in the list. If it is not, an error will be raised showing the list of legal options.

Write Boolean data

Run the following to write a Boolean value to a cell in a database:

deeporigin data write "True" \
    --database $database_id \
    --column $column_id \
    --row $row_id
from deeporigin.data_hub import api
    database_id="database ID or name",
    column_id="column ID or programmatic key",
    row_id="row ID",
Unsetting Boolean data

To unset a cell, so that it contains no data, write None to the cell as follows:

from deeporigin.data_hub import api
    database_id="database ID or name",
    column_id="column ID or programmatic key",
    row_id="row ID",